

Subscribe here:

Your Netflix of magic is online since the beginning of February! You can enjoy it now so don’t wait any longer!

For a few euros per month, you will have access to

– Hundreds of hours of magic to see in unlimited: explanations of tricks and exclusive techniques, pro tips, interviews…

– The best contents with the best magicians in the world: Gaëtan Bloom, Henry Evans, Chad Long, Howard Hamburg, Michael Weber, Paul Gertner, Dominique Duvivier, Laurent Beretta, Boris Wild, David Stone, Alexandra Duvivier, Christian Engblom, Steve Beam, Woody Aragon, Mario Lopez, Eric Antoine…

– A catalog enriched continuously every week. Already more than 400 videos online.

– Subscription without commitment

9.99 € / month for the subscription « I am an apprentice

19.99 € / month for the subscription  » I am passionate and I become a member of the community « .

28.99 € / month for the subscription  » I am an addict and I become an honorary member « .

« I love Dominique Duvivier’s magic and his visionary taste for good magic. His new streaming channel is a guarantee of extreme quality. The best content is waiting for you. The magicians who are by his side in this new adventure are world class. Definitely. » Michael Weber

Afficher plus

Dominique Duvivier

♣️ Magicien. ♦️ Maître de l’art du #CloseUp. ♥️ Créateur de tours et professeur. ♠️ Fondateur @ledoublefond et directeur de Mayette Magie.

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