Par défaut

Le tour qui a « foolé » Penn & Teller en vente

Cards In Bag
Dominique Duvivier

En vente à partir du Samedi 13 octobre 2018 sur
Séance dédicace à la boutique Mayette de 15h à 18h

“It’s an extreme rarity when an entirely new effect is created
and it’s equally rare when an entirely new method is created.
C.I.B. combines both of these.
It is not only a startling new and ingenious effect
but it also introduces an incredibly clever and utterly original method.
This miracle is one of the great things
to come along in the last 20 years.”
Bill Kalush

“Duvivier puts in your hands,
not just a fantastic triumph,
but a potent weapon
that is sure to improve many of your existing routines as well.”
Dani DaOrtiz

« The great Dominique Duvivier
first showed me C.I.B. back in 2002, in Madrid.
I was more than fooled!
The truth is the impossibility of this miracle haunted me for years.
I simply had no explanation.
It was MAGIC. And it is MAGIC! »
Christian Engblom

« The fantastic routine C.I.B.
is another diabolical classic from the mind of Dominique Duvivier.
The routine has it all. It’s practical, self-contained.
It’s easy to do and it fools everyone… including Penn & Teller.
Perhaps the best part is that is an extremely unusual plot
that makes it stand out in any show.
You will use this masterpiece for years to come! »
Bob Kohler

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Dominique Duvivier

♣️ Magicien. ♦️ Maître de l’art du #CloseUp. ♥️ Créateur de tours et professeur. ♠️ Fondateur @ledoublefond et directeur de Mayette Magie.

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4 commentaires

  1. POURQUOIIIIII??? ce tour reste une de mes madeleines de proust depuis que je l’ai vu lors d’une soirée intimiste « tsunami » ( mince du coup ca remonte…:( ) Pourquoi divulguer cette petite?? snifff!!! 😉

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